This creative group of Edmontonians were born and raised in and around the city. When this group of entrepreneurs and visionaries isn’t coming up with creative ideas, they are discovering everything our incredible city has to offer from bike trails to cafés. When asked what their favourite aspect of living in Edmonton is, the group had the following to say:
Emma – The warm summers and cold winters that give us enough snow to do something with!
Alex – The ceaseless change.
Ranon – The underrated beauty of our city, especially our captivating river valley!
Kari – The weather forces you to take advantage of both the cold and warm.
Emma spearheaded the River Valley Saunas idea. After living in Sweden for the last two years, she was inspired by the idea of outdoor saunas and how they offered views of beautiful winter landscapes. With their submission to The Edmonton Project, this group wants to provide a unique experience for Edmontonians and those visiting.
Read about this group submission for River Valley Saunas
You can follow this group on social media:
Twitter – @emmauthentic
Twitter – @soanss
Instagram – @ranonso
Instagram – @karibazian OR @solveinteriordesign