After fleeing communism in the Czech Public with his parents when he was just 4 years old, Slavo Cech has called Edmonton his home since 1968. As a practicing artist and established designer, Slavo wanted to contribute to the Edmonton cultural landscape. His love for creating is insatiable and he doesn’t consider what he does to be work.
Slavo Cech loves the idea of creating a visual art piece based around the everyday lives of Edmontonians. His idea is to project images from a community sourced library that would be taken from the hashtag #OneEdmonton. #OneEdmonton will allow all Edmontonians a way to share their lives, their activities, and the city of Edmonton through their own eyes.
Read about Slavo’s #OneEdmonton
You can follow Slavo on social media:
Twitter – @slav_metalurges
Instagram – @slavocech
Facebook – Slavo Cech for Metal Urges