Submitted by: Matthew Roper
Proposal Idea
Altering the connected grid of social and service spaces in the river valley for increased winter use by adding temporary nodes that reduce travel time between spaces and provide programming that will draw additional users in to the river valley. From semi-enclosed shelters for warming or weather protection, to actively programmed and serviced temporary facilities, the opportunities are endless.
What will you build?
Portable ‘pavilions’ to supplement the existing natural landmarks, creating activated winter hubs.
Where will you build it?
The North Saskatchewan River trail network, initially set along River Valley Road, as this is currently an actively travelled network and would provide the most support to the program spaces.
How does your idea define or embody Edmonton?
Edmonton is a winter city, a festival city, a design city. Both intersecting and connecting our Capital Region is the North Saskatchewan River Valley. Home to an abundance of amenities and gathering sites in summer months, its use and four-season appeal freezes over in step with the river.